Dynamic User Defined Fields

In Mailroom, you may add up to 25 user defined fields to mailroom and use them to maintain data that is specific to your organization. When a user defined field is added, the field is available throughout the mailroom module when a package is added.

User Defined Field Components

In Mailroom, a user defined field has the following characteristics:

Adding a User Defined Field

A user defined field may be added to mailroom via the web application or the Android application:

Basic Process

A user defined field is added to the application from a specific area:

To add a user defined field follow this basic process:

User Defined Field Form

The User Defined Field form is available from the Package Receive form.

  1. Select Packages > Package Receive. The Package Receive form appears.

Package Receive Screen

  1. Tap the User Defined Fields field. The User Defined Fields form appears.

User Defined Fields Screen

  1. Tap the Add icon to add a user defined field.
  2. The User Defined Fields form is placed in Add mode.

User Defined Fields Screen

  1. Name: enter the user defined field name.
  2. Data Type: click in the field to view the data type options for this field and select the data type for this field.
    1. Alphanumeric: field accepts letters, numbers, and character. Select this data type if this field will include information that uses letters and numbers, such as names, titles, addresses, order numbers, etc.
    2. Date: field accepts a date. Select this data type if this field will include a date only.
    3. Numeric: field accepts numbers and decimals. Select this data type if this field will include numerals only, such as for currency, percentage, count, etc.
    4. Yes/No: inserts a checkbox field; user may mark the checkbox if true. Select this data type if the value is true or false.

    Field Type Popup

  3. Required: to make this field required for receiving a package, mark this checkbox. (When a user defined field is required, the user must enter a value in this field in order to save the package.)

User Defined Fields

  1. Save button: tap the Save button to save the user defined field.

User Defined Fields

  1. Repeat steps 1-9, until you are finished adding the user defined field.
  2. When you submit the package for receipt, the user defined field or fields are added to the system.

Editing a User Defined Field

A user defined field may be edited.

Deleting a User Defined Field

The user defined field may be deleted if it does not contain any values.

How to Edit a User Defined Field

  1. To edit a user defined field, select the field to place it in Edit mode.

User Defined Fields

  1. Name field: tap in the field to place it in Edit mode; edit the name.

User Defined Fields

  1. Data Type field: tap in the field to display the Data Type options; edit the data type. (NOTE: The data type can only be edited if the field does not have any values.)

Data Type Popup


  1. Save button: tap the Save button to save the changes.
  2. When you submit the package for receipt, the user defined field change will be saved to the system.

How to Delete a User Defined Field

  1. Select the field.
  2. Click the Trash Can icon along the top of the form.

User Defined Fields Screen Highlighting the Trash Can Icon

  1. When you submit the package for receipt, the user defined field will be removed from the system.